History of Technology

Technology has developed so much over the years and it has changed the way people view the world. In 1981, the first portable computer was introduced and from there, with the help of a British researcher, “the world exploded into a frenzy of newfound research and communication methods” in 1993. The British research developed Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) in 1990 and the National Science Foundation (NSF) removed restrictions on the use of the internet. In 1993, Apple introduced the first Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), and because of it, computers of every day since then. From 1993, technology has grown from computers to tablets, iPad, smartphones and notebooks. With these electronic devices, the capabilities in education are growing and changing everyday. With the internet and so many electronic websites available, it has helped educators and learners with many things (Firmin, & Genesi, 2013. Most people in the world now have access to the internet which is a “vast electronic library of information”. https://online.purdue.edu/ldt/learning-design-technology/resources/evolution-technology-classroom.

Firmin and Genesi (2013), explained that technology is changing the way we live and work rapidly. They did a research regarding the history and implementation of technology in education, and found that new technologies were designed and invented monthly (almost) during the late 1990s. There were technology researchers who targeted the education field to test their technology products to see if it could transform education (Firming & Genesi, 2013). Over the years, technology devices were introduced in education with the purpose of helping children with their learning and development (Firmin &Genesi, 2013).

Firmin, M.W., & Genesi, D.J. (2013). History and Implementation of Classroom Technology. Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences, 93, 1903-1617.
SMARTEduEMEA. (2011, October 3). The history of technology in education [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwWWsz_X9s
The evolution of Technology in the Classroom (2018). Retrieved from https://online.purdue.edu/ldt/learning-design-technology/resources/evolution-technology-classroom


  1. It amazes me how computers, devices, phones etc are still relatively new technology. Yet they have taken over our lives in a lot of ways.They have certainly bought a lot of positive things to society but then there are also the negative aspects. be interesting to know more about those negative aspects, especially in relation to our young children. Great Lolo!

  2. I think it is amazing that it has only been 37 years since the first portable computer! I remember the first computer in my family home and using dial up internet for research for school projects, it would take hours to get small amounts of information. In some ways we are blessed as new teachers to have so many amazing readings, current research and answers to solve many questions we may have. I wonder where technology will be at when the children we are teaching now are our age and possibly studying too.


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